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1M/6M trends
20 minute delayed data
Application background color
Call Options
Call Verticals
Can I adjust the time out setting?
Can I cancel a subscription at any time?
Can I customize the chart?
Can I edit the premium for each trade?
Can I trade directly through the site?
Canada TMX OptionsPlay
Cancelation Policy
check mark next to the options play score?
Credit Spreads Report
Events and Webinar Registration
Follow on YouTube
How are Trade Ideas Generated?
How can I create or edit a watchlist?
How can I interpret the Strategy Analysis?
How can I share or save a trade?
How can I trade a strategy that is different from the three suggestions?
How can I upgrade my browser to the latest version?
How can I upgrade my current subscription?
How can learn to navigate the platform?
How do I cancel my subscription?
How do I change my current password?
How do I change the quantity of the strategies?
How do I clear my browser's history, cache and cookies?
How do I draw indicators and technical studies on the chart?
How do I edit or modify a trade?
How do I execute a trade?
How do I find a good Trade Idea?
How do I know what the risk is for each trade?
How do I take advantage of a Trade Idea?
How do I update my personal information?
How do I view a stock or ETF that is not in the Trade Ideas list?
HUB reports not displaying
Implied Volatility
IV Rank and Liquidity Metrics
Logo Trade Idea
OP Hub Link
Option Sizzle definition
Options 101 Course Link
Options on Futures?
Presentation Slides
Put Options
Put Verticals
Recorded Content
Request to Cancel
Session timeout setting
Straddle/Strangle Report
Subscription Link
Suspended Status/No access
Swing Options
Technical Analysis Webinar
TMX Access
Tony's Chart Settings
Understanding Option Greeks
Webinar Registration/Reminder Emails
Webinars, Events
What are Support and Resistance Levels?
What are Trade Ideas?
What devices support the OptionsPlay Ideas Platform?
What does the 1m/6m trend indicator tell me?
What does the Income Tab do?
What does the OptionsPlay logo next to the OptionsPlay Score mean?
What does the Relative Strength mean?
What does the trading range slider do?
What filters can I use for the Trade Ideas?
What is "POW"?
What is “POP”?
What is the cost of OptionsPlay?
What is the Investment and Risk Panel?
What is the OptionsPlay Score?
What would my P&L (Profit & Loss) be for each strategy?
What's the difference between Covered Call and Short Put?
Where are the Greeks on your platform?
Where can I find more details about each strategy?
Where can I find the Covered Call and Short Put Reports?
Where can I find the earnings calendar?
Where can I find the Liquidity & Earnings Spreadsheets?
Where can I find the Support and Resistance levels?