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  1. Full Screen Payoff Diagrams

    Enable "Payoff Diagram" for options as a standalone FULL SCREEN feature.

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  2. Trade-Strategies individual by User

    I don't trade stocks normally, but only options, and there normally Spreads. Therefore I don't need the standard 1st and 2nd Trade-Strategy (Stocks and Long Call / Put). I would be happy, if I could define, which of the included Strategies should be used on each of the three places via User Profile. This would be safe a lot of time, because I must not use "Modify" each time. Each User could be define, what's the best in his / her opinion, or use the Standard.

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  3. Save Trades

    Should be able to save our trades.

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  4. selling naked puts

    suggestions on naked puts

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  6. Labels for Chart-Studies / Marker for active Studies

    The studies should get a little label on the chart for better identify. The ability to choose a different color is good, but not enough in my opinion. In the dialogue where the studies are can be selected, should be added a little marker, which allows seeing, which studies have already been activated for the current Chart.

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  7. 5 votes

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  8. 10 votes

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  9. Add Up- and Down-Buttons for Date Change

    It would be helpful if you would add little Buttons for up and down right beside the "by this date" field. With them I could change the date day by day up and down with a single click and must not open the Calendar Control to choose the next date. It's much easier, to get an impression about the movement of the results over the time.

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  10. CMF Indicator with colored areas, not only as black line

    I would appreciate it if the Chaikin Money Flow Indicator wouldn't be not just a simple black line, but filled with green and red areas, like on for example.

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    hi can you place a M 0r W to see iF they exP on a monthly or weekly , easier to see at one glance

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  12. Resize Option for the window "Ask us" / "Post an idea"

    Can you please make the window "Ask us" / "Post an Idea" resizeable? It would be easier to overlook the text, if the window wouldn't be so small.

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  13. Double pay day

    strategies to double trade last day of the option OTm to ITM strike over

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  14. Allow for storage of personal holdings.

    What about allowing us to "store" or holdings and/or import em? I understand the watchlist but that doesn't allow for personal holdings "stornig." Thanks

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  15. %-value for P&L-Parameter "Goes to this price"

    I miss the Change in % for the parameter "Goes to this price" in P&L Simulator. It's difficult to make a decision between the different scenarios and their parameters based on price change in USD only. To use always an external calculator to get the %-value is not practical.

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  16. chose market

    us and cnd best

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  17. Calculation board

    Add Matrice and board of calculation...
    a board to si the break event and the threshold gain loss

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  18. 3 votes

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  19. change default number of contracts

    save the number of contracts in each profile so that if I normally trade 5 contracts, I won't have to change each trade idea.

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  20. 18 votes

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