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  1. Can a button be put in the member profile or someplace for Tue/Fri market sessions??

    I am a paid member and did not get an email for Tue/Fri market review session. So I couldn't attend one today. It would be a great help a 'join market review tue/fri" button added in profile or the OP main screen.

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  2. Differentiate Cdn and US OptionsPlay web apps

    On the TMX Options Play web app, can you place a Canadian flag to display on the browser tab, with a similar U.S. flag on the U.S. app to make them easier to tell apart if one has them both open in the same browser session?

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  3. Please update the google sheets!

    Will you be updating the daily play google-sheets spreadsheet? It seems like that hasn't been updated very frequently...

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  4. BABA-what happened to it

    BABA trade. Why is this not on your excel you sent out this morning w the AAPL trade. Did you cancel your recommendation and did I miss that due to the down market yesterday.

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  5. Add Option Chain Window

    Add an option chain window that lists call and puts for a stock in a chain format.

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  6. Brief Company Info on Idea list

    Hi, I am a one month old new user. I think the platform is very slick and I like the functionality. One basic but time consuming thing that would allow me to better take advantage of the list of ideas is to be able to understand even the minimal information of what a given ticker/ companies description is. Otherwise, to confirm if I like to pursue the idea, I need to look into another database and understand the boiler plate/ sector/ market cap. It would save a lot of time a pop up window.

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  7. I don't understand today's TGT Bull Put trade. The exp. date is 5/29 but the P/L target date is 6/26, a month after exp. What am I not und

    I don't understand today's TGT Bull Put trade. The exp. date is 5/29 but the P/L target date is 6/26, a month after exp. What am I not understanding? Please advise.

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  8. Credit spreads made easy...

    I would love to have the platform create optimal credit spreads as easily as debit spreads.

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  9. futures

    cover futures, more complex trading strategy.

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  10. conduct a detailed webinar or 2 on the use of the platform I am certain that Many members have not figured it out yet!! all out

    After 6 weeks as a member no one gave me instruction as to how to
    use Option Play to the greatest efficiency.

    I have learn it piecemeal and it's one of the biggest reasons we"re here.

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  11. Top 5 Options Play Scores across ALL Strategies

    Post the Top 5 strategies of ALL OptionPlay strategies. So any strategies with >100 or a 99 score and then let us decide which to trade.

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  12. Implied vol list

    Great site. Would love to have a list of the underling with the average of the implied volatility of options with strike prices around, say, +/- 10-15 % from current price of the underlying. Front and back month (or more). Great if a popup could display a list with the greeks if an underlying asset is chooesen(clicked). Thx, Anders

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  13. Include sector in company details

    It would be helpful to see a company's sector strength when viewing the company's details and chart. Currently, through the Watchlists functionality, you can view a sector and its strength, and then drill down to companies within that sector. It would be helpful if you could start at the company level, without having to drill down from the sector level. Thanks for your consideration.

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  14. IV Rank % .

    Can you check IV rank% per symbol?

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  15. Adding a volume indicator

    why don't you add an indicator that looks at the percentage of volume increase above its average volume?

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  16. Auto free trial extension

    I wrote about my free trial extension as per your rules but still not able to access my account.If auto free trial extension could be made possible then it will save a lot of your work and of prospective clients waiting to access their accounts.

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  17. Webinars how to use sir

    Daily webinars on how to use site

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  18. Show Historical and Implied Volatility

    Show Historical and Implied Vol :)

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  19. Open Interest

    Open Interest should be available somewhere within the trade panel

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  20. Show the date and days to the next earnings release

    Countdown days to the next earnings release

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