Options Play
I am getting Goddamn tired of this inexcusable double charging! For the past several YEARS you have charged me $500 and then $300 in the same YEAR for an annual subscription to Options Play. Someone in authority need to call me at 310-415-4463 [Robert Jones] and leave a return phone number and day and time to call them back to explain how this is going to be corrected.
[In May and August of 2023, a similar double charging occurred of $500 and $300.]
I realize that Robert Jones is a common name, how many Robert Jones’ to you have a subscriber? The Robert Jones with cards ending in 8229 and 4026 is THE SAME PERSON.
In the meantime, here’s the current facts: $500 changed to card ending in 4026 on or about 05/15/2024 and $300 charged to card ending in 8229 on or about 08/21/2024. You need to reverse the charges on card 8229 immediately and delete the Robert Jones account with a payment on card ending 4026.
Robert Jones