Enhance New Platform
Options Play Team
There is much to admire about the New Platform [NP]; however, there are also changes, that in my view, need to be made. If these updates are “in the work” or if I have missed an “How To” in the NP, please ignore the following comments otherwise I appreciate your efforts to enhance:
1. In the new NP an Optimal Covered Call is identified in the portfolio section for shares owned; however, in the strategy section, a Covered Call strategy is not shown in the portfolio management section. The Old Platform [OP], not only provided a covered call strategy but also included the number of contracts equal to the number of shares owned [adjusted for the number of full 100 shares owned].
2. The Income alternative in strategy section when “Own Shares of….” is set to Yes, is not precise enough. The NP calculates a Buy Write. Why? I already specified that I owned the stock, i.e. “Yes” above and a Buy Write alternative is a possible by click Trade in the strategy section. Get rid of assuming a Buy Write or if that is what is intended i.e., buy to open X shares, or include a Buy Write alternative question if share is NOT owned.
3. In the OP there was a handy Guide that could be turned on and off. The Flags were strategically placed around the platform and rolling the cursor over provided an explanation. That enhancement would be welcome.